Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010

The Swerve & Swindle Show (The S3): The Cons' STAG (pt. 2)

Hello Cybertronians Fella..We're back again...It's time to see the combined abilty of the previously introduced-Combaticons new drone members.

MB : Self-Propelled Ion Cyclone Module (left), Self- Propelled Missles Barrage (right)

S: Now we'll have our guest, Major Bomb "Blasty" Shock to demonstrate his combining ability. Let's watch it!!!...(producer's note: you're about to watch disintegration and reintegration process, if you have phobia or self mutilated tendency, you're not advised to progress any further ^^).

(SFX: CLANNKK-ZINNKK-ZZRRTT-ZAAPP!!!) Voi La !!! "Bomb Shock's Ultimate STAG Mode"

S : We'll get a close view

S : Wow now he's towering any any scout sized Cons..I've to climb up the bench to get an up close int'vw. (David & Goliath in humans' lore??? ^^)

S : How do you feel Maj. B Sir?
MB : Awesome...

Vertical Shoulder-mounted Cyclone Ion Module.

Horizontal Shoulder-mounted Missiles Barrage Module.

S : Maj. B Sir...last Q..Will there be any future possibilty of collaborating with US Army perhaps?
MB : Of course there will.
S : What kind of collaboration Sir?
MB : Well, actually It'll be a mutual joint military simulation ops They'll provide us real target (military vehicles,planes etc), and we provide real ammo & firepower to destroy them.
S : Where is the mutual aspect of such ops Sir?
MB : They'll figure their weaknesses out & we'll increase our own confidence, morales & superiority.
S : (^_^;)

S : Last but not least...Thank you for your time & detail explanation Maj B. Sir..I hope you are willing to come in our show next time..
MB : Of course I will be gladly doing so..
S : Cybertronian Fellas, thank you for your constant attention..Be sure to save our next show schedule in your memories..
S : Decepticon Rules !!!

The Swerve & Swindle Show (The S3): The Cons' STAG (pt. 1)

Good Day Cybertronians..With me again, Swindle, in The S3...Howdy??I hope bad as always gyahaha..Btw, In this moment I'd like to bring you a deep insight about Cons' military power..
And we've a honour to present a reliable person regarding this matters as our guest...A mid-ranking officer who expeditiously climbs up his military career..

Let me introduce you: Major Bomb "Blasty" Shock (left) & his Combaticons (right).

S : Hello Major Shock Sir...how am I supposed to address you Sir?..
MB : Major B would be okay soldier..
S : Well Maj. B Sir, You are well known as the rising star of the Cons' Army & Bots' nightmare..Would you mind share some of your secrets to us Sir?
MB : Mmm...nothing special..it lies in 1 word.."Efficiency"
S : Could you explain more Sir?
MB : My Division is known as STAG.."Single Transformer Assault Group"...
S : Uh huh..
MB : Within my Group, I'm the sole Transformer and my Combaticons are all drones.
S : So what's the catch Maj. B Sir?
MB : Hahaha...It seems that your processor is a lil' bit rusty soldier..
S : ^_^;

MB : Uh humm...I'll give some explanations...Please take these seriously..
S : Yes Sir..
MB : The benefits of exploiting drones instead of real Cons are:
1. They follow your orders to the last without single complaint. (Even if you ask them to perform some suicidal actions).
2. They don't get promoted (So all tributes and honours go into yours).
3. They don't need health or life insurance, which are costly nowadays. (It costs several Million Cybernium Dollars per Con).
4. They are easily replaceable when destroyed or missing in action. (We don't have the labour & recruitment issue).
5. They don't get salary or payrolls. (This is my fav, since we can allocate the budget for the glory of Decepticons Empire).
6. They don't need 401k (pension fund). (When they retired, we just simply sell them to scrapmetal dealer or salvage usable parts for spare).

MB:Do you get it already soldier??
S : Crystal Maj B. Sir. Then could you tell us your strategy in decimating The Bots?
MB : I implemented The "Divide & Destroy'" strategy.
S : Please tell us more Maj B. Sir.
MB : Well, First I would deploy my drones to locate & track the unsuspecting group of Bots. Then we ambushed them at once, firing all of our firepower, It would force them to separate. Before they were able to reorganize, we combined & destroyed them one by one. Please note the word destroy..I mean it..We stick to the "take no prisoner" policy.
S : Phew!..Cruel yet effective method..
MB : Just living the Cons' way of live..Hahaha
S : Do you have any problems working with The Combaticons Sir?
MB : Hmm..the only problem in coordinating them, if I can make an analogy, is similar to perform 5 tasks simultaneously within 5 different chassis..Since we TF have only 1 processor in 1 chassis, it's a bolt in exhaust pipe thing* (*translation to human language= "pain in the arse")
S : What did you do to overcome it Sir?
MB : Well...we stole human technology & adapt it to improve ours.
S : Which technology Sir?
MB : Ever heard of Pentium Core 2 Quad??
S : A-ha...from Intel..
MB: That's right soldier...We reverse engineered the tech & improved it into Con's Core 2 Quint version with 5 cores..
S : Isn't it supposed to be military's top secret information Sir?Is it okay to disclose it in public occasion like this? (@_@)
MB : Worry not soldier..Humans' tech are lagging over a century to catch up with ours and those pacifist Bots' techs are able to improve humans' as far as their kitchenwares.
S : Glad to hear that Sir. Now It's time for the show-off Sir!..Would you mind demonstrating your combining ability with team?
MB : Not at all Soldier..before that I'd like to introduce 2 new members in my Combaticons team.
S : Well2x...what a surprise...what are they Sir?..

MB: First, a miniature of 4-engine bomber plane...Functioned as Recon & Aerial Surveillance Agent..

MB : Second, miniature of water military armored water cannon vehicle..Functioned as Infantry Support & Scouting Agent..
S : Sir do you notice the Bots' insignia in it ???
MB : Its just a manufacturing error..Carving Bots instead of Cons insignia..
S : Okayy (#_#)..
S: Well Maj. B. Sir...I think we'll have ads for now...Dear Cybertronians don't change your optical sensors..We'll be right back...Stay tune!!!

The Swerve & Swindle Show (The S3) Intro

Swerve: Good day fellow Cybertronians..Welcome in The S3...I'm Swerve from Autobot & this is my Decepticon partner, Swindle..
Swindle: We'll host TF discussion, talks, phenomena regarding both faction (Bot & Con)..
Swerve: I, represent my fella Bots, would like to thank Kin & Franz for giving us opportunity to air & broadcast..
Swindle: No grateful remark from me nor from any Cons...For we'll conquer earth in no time..You'll be our slaves...gyahahaha..

Swerve: I'll be in charge to hosting heroically, inspiring Bots' issues...

Swindle: And..I'll bring out the meanest, deceptive, terrorizing Cons' issues...

Swerve & Swindle: That's all our brief intro..Don't miss our next show..
Swerve: Autobot roll out!
Swindle: Decepticon rules!
Swerve & Swindle: Stay tune!

Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010


Kali gw akan sedikit mereview tentang salah satu koleksi transformer gw, yaitu Skystalker. Skystalker masuk dalam grup Decepticon. Classnya scout jadi agak kecilan ukurannya.

Bentuk kendaraannya itu pesawat B2 Bomber *kalo ga salah. Cuman tanpa kokpit, jadi jatuhnya malah seperti drone.

Untuk berubah jd bentuk robot sangat simpel. Maklum karena levelnya juga scout. Bentuk robotnya sangat keren menurut gw ^^ Artikulasinya sangat lumayan. Jadi bisa lumayan kita kasih beberapa pose.

Senjatanya berupa kapak dua buah. Dan yang keren menurut gw, kapaknya itu berasal dari pecahan sayapnya. Jadi pas dia megang kapak, sayapnya keliatan agak bolong, tapi keren, bisa nambah detailingnya.

Okelah pokoknya toys ini, buat yang lagi mikir-mikir atau mau nambah koleksi, Skystalker very-very recomend.

-Kin Aruno-
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.1

Tes blog dari android

Berhubung,seolah-olah gw seperti ga memiliki waktu yang pas untuk bikin blog,akhirnya gw mencoba mencari software untuk bisa ngblog dari handphone. Setelah mencari-cari,gw pun mencoba untuk mengunduh blogger-droid. Yup dari namanya saja sudah terlihat,kalo ini untuk blognya google alias blogger. Terus,kalo dilihat dari nama belakang (droid),jelas bahwa program ini untuk android mobile phone.

Setelah diinstall,tampilannya amat sangat sederhana sekali *lebay. Di awal hanya ada tampilan user name dan passwords saja. Gw pikir,oh mungkin tampilan awalnya saja. Eh,ternyata setelah log in pun ga kalah sederhananya. Hanya ada empat isian,judul,isi,label,dan publish. Tapi ya gapapa,memang itu sudah cukup untuk sekedar memposting kita juga bisa ko masukin gambar dari foto yang ada di handphone atau memfoto langsung.

Okelah sekarang kita coba publish.Kalo kalian bisa baca post ini,berarti gw sudah berhasil ngpost lewat android.

-Kin Aruno-
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.1

Sabtu, 07 Agustus 2010

Ga Pengen beli hardisk portable atau DVD rom portable? Pakai USB to IDE SATA converter aja!

Setahun belakangan ini menjamur penggunaan netbook untuk berselancar di dunia maya (sama halnya seperti saya). Sayangnya, dengan bentuk yang ramping dan mobile (mudah dibawa kemana saja) menyebabkan dihilangkannya beberapa fitur yang lumayan penting, yaitu dvd rom internal. Apabila ingin install program ataupun ingin ntn dvd jadinya agak ribet. Oleh karena itu, penggunaan dvd rom portable menjadi salah satu pilihan yang digunakan untuk mengatasi kekurangan tersebut. Ada pengalaman dari teman-teman gw yang menggunakan dvd portable, ada yang bilang cepat rusak ataupun lensanya yang lemah setelah beberapa lama pemakaian. Ada alternatif yang dapat digunakan, yaitu menggunakan USB to IDE SATA converter. Penggunaan converter ini menggunakan cd/dvd rom yang umumnya dipakai dalam pc. Berikut ini merupakan salah satu converter yang gw dapatkan.

Untuk harga, ternyata tidak terlalu mahal, yaitu sekitar 60 rban. Dan dapat ditemukan di berbagai toko komputer. Coba kita cek dalamnya...Parts pertama yang gw temukan adalah converternya. DI bagian converternya terdapat 3 jenis plug, yaitu 2,5 inch IDE (untuk hdd laptop), 3,5 inch IDE plug, dan SATA plug.

2.5 inch IDE plug

3,5 inch IDE plug

SATA plug

Parts berikut yang gw temukan yaitu bagian power supply. Yang pasti voltage/tegangan power supplynya sama dengan yang digunakan untuk hdd dan dvd rom pada umumnya. Bentuk default dari plug power supplynya yaitu untuk IDE 3.5 inch power supply. Tapi jangan khawatir, di dalamnya masih terdapat converter juga untuk power supplynya.

power supply

Di dalam kardus ternyata masih ditemukan converter power supply dari IDE ke SATA, kabel extension SATA serta CD drivernya.

Berikut gw tunjukkan bagaimana cara pemasangannya...
Pertama-tama pasang dulu kabel powernya ke cd/dvd/hdd nya Pastikan posisinya tidak terbalik

Kedua, pasang kabel IDEnya karena yang saya gunakan adalah cd rom dengan IDE, maka saya gunakan yang sesuai pula plugnya.

Ketiga, Dipasang deh kabel iDEnya ke dalam plugnya

Terakhir pasang kabel powernya ke dalam cord listrik, lalu pasang kabel USBnya ke netbook. Nanti bakal tuting2...detect new hardware. Terinstall deh secara otomatis.

Dapat dilihat dibagian my computer terdapat tambahan CD drive (E:) berarti sudah terbaca cd romnya oleh netbook.

Ayo kita uji coba dengan masukin cd, apakah dia bakal baca nh cdnya???? Gw coba pake cd installer printer HP yang gw punya... Tadaaaa.....ternyata berhasil tuh liat khan di gambar terakhir kalau drive E: nya sudah berubah menjadi logo HP? terbaca tuh tandanya. Yah tinggal coba2 deh dengan langkah yang sama kalau ingin menggunakan dvd rom, hdd 2.5 inchi maupun hdd 3.5 inch. Selamat mencoba y (^_^)/ (itu juga kalo kalian tertarik untuk mencobanya) hehehe...

Semoga review kali ini menambah sedikit pengetahuan mengenai jenis converter yang ada di dunia perkomputeran. See ya guys...